Friday, April 15, 2005

They are falling

Aliens exist! They are clever little things too. We now know what they call themselves and where they live. Just recently the remains of one of their air crafts was found by the two nerds(the ones no one will claim). It had a high tech parachute that must have been discharged after the engines died. The parachute was orange with a long string attached to the engine......there was a note on it that said biodegradable. The little aliens must not be much bigger than two inches to fit into the aircraft. They left a last note saying that they would like their remains, along with the biodegradable aircraft, sent to some weather research place.....probably their equivalent to our organ donor notes on our drivers licenses. There was even a plastic envelope with the exact address, and no postage necessary if mailed in the united states. The little critters are lucky they weren't 3 miles north when they crashed or they may never have been sent home...or to research. The funny thing is they call themselves, "Weather Balloons" can you believe that? We here at the newsy news letter offices think thats a little tacky for such intelligent aliens.


JC said...

Are you serious, did you really find a weather balloon? You need to put up a picture!

dangeresque dan said...

kill the aliens. death to their kind. Who cares about their kind. Or who even cares about their last wishes.

Anonymous said...

Did you find their remains or just thier ufo???
Diesel says he would like to taste them. Are they chewy?
Freckles says he saw little alians all the time before he came to live with me. He is a very intellagent bird you know.
Are you going to send it away? Haven't you found sometime like this before? A message in a balloon or something like that from a kindergardener lost in space somewhere in IL???? What ever happened to that story?