Friday, April 08, 2005

Spring slumps and summer dumps

Yesterday, we saw three geese flying south. It can only mean one thing; we all blinked and summer is offically over. Fall never looked so brown and colorless as this one. Can you feel the winter coming on? That breeze is getting a bit nippy. But then we did see five geese flying north. Do these five north geese cancel out the three south? If so that would leave two geese that really made it north and that would mean its still spring.....nope it can't be! We would have to change our whole way of thinking and thats just too difficult for a friday.


Anonymous said...

So you are already in a slump and the day is just starting to get warm! It is suppose to get into the 70's today! Yah! But I have to work all day. Hey you girls arnt the only ones getting a new car today! Love you!HJB

JC said...

I'm so confused!

Are you getting that saturn?????

Anonymous said...

Exactly what month do these geese tell you you're in? hey, lets go huntin'.