Thursday, June 23, 2005

Work this out of the week:

As you may or may not have noticed from the title, this is the workout day of the week.

We were having some indecisivness (caused no doubt by the very late night) over what should be this weeks workout. The choices were, visiting family far far away, mowing lawn, beating biting dogs, or sailing. But since the very ordeal of making this decision is so difficult for such hot weather, we have decided that making a decision was enough workout for us this morning.

For this workout you will need to make one decision today. Don't stress to hard about, unless of course you've reached the intermeadeate, then go ahead and make a diffficult decision. Your decision can range from whether or not to get out of bed, what to wear, say hi to a friend or not, comment or not, blog at all, or even doing this weeks workout will in fact be doing this work out. If you decide not too, well, the decisions been made, its already too late.

Be careful not to over do this workout, we don't want anyone to get burned out.


JC said...

OH my goodness...a mental workout!

BTW- I see you guys are back!

Anonymous said...

I rarely ever do this work out. My husband says I need to do this more because I am a bit out of shape in this part of my body. Kind of flaby, you know. I try to let other people make as many dicisions for me as possible. THis will be good practis! Where do I start again? Getting out of bed....

Anonymous said...

I just don't know....