Thursday, August 25, 2005

This weeks ultra workout.

This week we are giving you a choice for your workout. You can either follow the middle child around all day for your workout or you can follow the youngest child.

If you choose to follow the middle child, who answers the phone and checks on the youngest child all day, we feel we must warn you that she has a cold and makes frequent trips to the bathroom to blow her nose. She also sits down on the couch to rest for a while whenever she passes it.

On the other hand, the youngest child runs around in circles for a while before tossing a few rocks and then she thinks, about mowing lawn, for the rest of the day. However, she also makes frequent trips to the refrigerator for snacks and takes many coffee breaks with lots cookies.

Both the middle child and the youngest child offer great workouts if you can some how mange to avoid the middle child’s couch rest and the youngest child’s snacks…

The choice is yours, and on second thought, in light of the mental workout making that decision would give you, we think you’ve already worked out quite enough for the day…take the rest of the day off and have a cookie on the couch.


Nell, your friendly Red Wing Corrections Officer said...

I don't have any cookies though!!!

Anonymous said...

You can have some of mine.

JC said...

Hey- we unburied the couch today...all I need are some cookies. Nell and I should go to the bakery!