Thursday, September 08, 2005

***Our 100th post!***

For our 100th post we thought we’d do a newsy news trivia question to see how well our fans know us.

The question is:
Who is the middle child?
A. the oldest child,
B. the favorite brother,
C. the middle child,
D. the youngest child, or
E. all of the above.

Think carefully about all the answers and choose the best one. Answering this question is enough of a workout for this week.


Jilb said...

I would have to say "C." The middle child is the middle child!

JC said...

I'm too scared to answer, it's probably a difficult riddle.

Nell, your friendly Red Wing Corrections Officer said...

There are four children, and no middle child exists, although if you call someone the middle child, then obviously they are the middle child by name!