Thursday, February 23, 2006

This weeks workout:

This workout comes highly recommended from a good friend of ours whom we adopted a while ago…

Walking around the block,
For best results do this outside.

Take a walk around the block…don’t go too fast and wear yourself out and don’t go too slow or you’ll freeze.

Now, if you’re like us, finding a block is the most difficult part of the workout. They’re not around ever corner out here if you know what we mean. And when the 911 people call and tell us there’s people stuck in the snow bank one block away we’re naturally unable to find them…but that’s another story…

So finding a block to walk around for this workout is our first, and now primary, goal. We recommend looking in a child’s room or nursery, but if there are no building blocks around, go outside and chop a small block off that annoying tree that’s still in the yard from Christmas.

Okay, now that we all have a block, set it down precisely in the center of your yard, and then precede to walk around the block. Don’t do it more than once though, unless you’re an advanced walker, you’ll need to work up to walking around the block more than once.

Always remember to workout with a friend…just in case you over do it they’ll be able to carry you back to the couch…you can pick up the block later.


Anonymous said...

I tried to find that block those people were talking about but I got lost in the woods and I ended up in that swamp that no one can find when they're looking for it, I was tired so I climbed that deer stand and I had to tie myself to the tree so I wouldn't fall off in my sleep but then I woke up and found out I wasn't lost at all, I was still watching curling...does that count????

Newsy said...

It’s actually kind of funny, the middle child took the call but it was in the middle of the night so she doesn’t really remember much about what they said since she was still sleeping. The gist of it was, some people called 911 because they were stuck in the snow bank. They walked to some place but all the doors were locked and no one was answering when they knocked. So a lady from 911 called the favorite place because the phone call appeared to come from one block away. To that the middle child naturally felt the need to say “this is Timber Wolf point in Buyck!” “yes that’s right.” Was the reply.
All right, here’s the facts,

1 cell phones don’t work out here unless your at the top of a tree.
2 anyone who makes a call from a block (more or less) from our place must be using our phone line.
3 if they use our phone line, 911 wouldn’t call us and say they were a block away.
4 no one would chose to walk here after going in a snow bank
5 The lady was finally brought to reason.
6 the middle child went back to bed
7 we didn’t find anyone the next day while plowing snow.

And that's all we know.