Thursday, February 16, 2006

This weeks workout:

Warming up the house after a long absence.

Now this can be done two different ways, for the beginner, just turn up the heat and wait for it. If you have off peak heating, you may be waiting a long time, this is a good time to exercise your patience, but don’t overly exert yourself.

For the intermediate, refrain from turning up the heat, this will save you money so you wont have to work so hard at a real job and your workout will be much more satisfying at home. The first thing you’ll want to do is get the air circulating, this will bring the air that’s already warm down from the ceiling. The best way to circulate air is jumping jacks, but if that’s too much, just walk around flapping your arms, this will give the rest of the family their workout as they laugh heartily at you.

For the advanced workout, turn the heat down a little, and then run around in circles, jump up and down, flap your arms, and pretend you still know how to do summersaults. Continue those four things until you are thoroughly exhausted or feel like opening a window. We don’t recommend opening a window unless everyone in the house has been working out at the same level. But even then, opening the window would defeat the purpose of this workout and then you’d have to start all over again; and we don’t recommend doing the same workout twice. Unless it’s the getting out of bed one, or putting on a sweater, or swinging…okay, we recommend doing most of the workouts again, but remember, don’t ever do more than one a day.


JC said...

just reading that post makes me cold

Anonymous said...

how to make the house warmer:
Go outside for a while, the house will seem much warmer when you go back in.