Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The greatest discovery of our time

And no, nothing better (that words can express) has come of our time than this.

We once said, "when inspiration hits, it always leaves a mark". Well, we’ve discovered something since then. Inspiration isn’t the only thing that leaves a mark, and the marks don’t always bring inspiration with it.

Like hammers for instance, they leave some very attractive and highly painful marks, but lack the benefit of inspiration.

Tractors also leave highly painful and enviable welts, but the inspiration acquired resembles the stupidity that rendered the welted unconscious.

Cement leaves a mark (it’s a knuckle buster business), and filled with so many grunts and groans as leaves room for little else to inspire.

Staplers are perhaps the most painful and leave the least rewarding mark…just a few weeks ago the favorite father discovered he should not hold an item in need of stapling when a child, that may be a little upset with him, is whacking away with a stapler. We laugh about it now, but that particular hit was so uninspiring it didn’t even make it into the letter, in-spite of the mark it left.

Scaffolds leave a mark (on shins of all things just by climbing up), and the climbing claims so much attention, there isn’t even time to greet each and every bruise as it appears.

All these things have left their marks, but it is unfortunate and perhaps natural, that all the joy is taken out of any inspiration we may have felt on the occasion. Perhaps the real reason we feel no inspiration is because usually all intelligent inspiration gets rattled right out of our brains in the process of it leaving its mark.

Until it hits again,


The newsy news letter staff

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