Friday, July 20, 2007

the return of the hero

No, this post isn't about the heroic one eyed wonder...its about his master, the favorite brother-in-law, who arrived on a great black bus somewhere in the twin cities last Newsyday at noon.

If we had the eliquence, we would tell everyone how his darling wife was there to run into his arms the moment he set eyes on her. We would tell everyone how, with him wearing his nice crisp uniform, and her wearing an eligant yellow dress they looked so much like a fifities war movie that the local news camera crew couldn't stop taking footage of their...ah, church kiss. We would tell everyone how his child looked on in wide eyed wonder over a stranger stealing kisses from her mother. We would tell everyone how his perfect little glow worm took to him right away and began telling him tall tales about the one eyed mutts wild adventures, which went something like, "Deeciee! NO! NO! No! No! No!...eeeh eee eee eee."

If we could, we would have just posted the picture of their reunion....but thats not possible at this time. Later perhaps...

1 comment:

JC said...

Oh I needed kleenix for that post. Very well written.