Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The A, B, C's according to newsy,

A is for another Albatross accident
B is for baby Bambi being bitten
C is for crazy cousins camping
D is for drowning dusty donuts
E is for Effluvium
F is for favorite flattery food
G is for going gallivanting! Good gravy
H is for happy humble hermit homes
I is for ignorant ink igloos
J is for joining jobs just joking
K is for kindly kidding kids
L is for lousy losing lynx
M is for my most memorable memory moments!
N is for nosy newsy news
O is for only out of order
P is for pretty pink ponies playing
Q is for quiet quaint quarterbacks
R is for romantic rivers rhyming
S is for silly sister’s sadly saying something stupid
T is for tis totally tuesyday tonight
U if for unfortunately unwillingly unable…understand?
V is for Villain voter! Victory vanity!!
W is for water warthogs wailing wildly
X is for Xerxes Xylophone
Y is for yucky young yaks
Z is for zesty zilch zigzags


dangeresque dan said...

K should have been Kindly Kicking Kids. It's be funnier.

JC said...

A is for American Idol and
M is for Melinda Doolittle!

dangeresque dan said...

BOO MELINDA!!! Jordin all the way.

Anonymous said...

B is for Blake Blake Blake!!!

JC said...

What are you talking about "boo" Melinda???? Are you crazy??