Sunday, March 11, 2007

The zoo, the zoo, the zoo!!!!

If people really believe the evilotion theory, then it should only be a matter of time before the zoo has a human exhibit. We're almost positive the reconstruction at the Gladys Porter Zoo is just for that purpose. They've probably even set traps out some where in the wilds of Chicago for a couple of wild humans they can tame and cage. But really, we have a better idea. We think that if they just called for a couple of volunteers, they'd have greater success than trapping wild ones.

Benifits include,

A nice room in a gated comunity,
Cleaned daily
Three meals a day
Fresh air
Instant fame (The object of every tourist's photo shoot)
Possiblility for advancment (hey, if the elephant can transfer to Wisconsin, a human could transfer to Hawaii)

Where do we sign?

1 comment:

Jamylou said...

You guys are hilarious! I think I'll stay in my cozy, little house instead of a cage. Thanks for the offer!