Tuesday, January 23, 2007

And its been...

One year since little glow worm arrived at the happy place. One year since the favorite brother-in-law made it home just in time to miss the drama of child birth. One year since the favorite mother said, "Its a girl". One year since the best discription of little glow worm the silly sister's could get was, "She has no chin". One year since the silly sister's waited in silance by the phone for 16 hours for news of baby glow...well, almost by the phone, as we recall, they did have a fire meeting they sat in silance at for at least 2 of those hours. One year since the favorite brother got mad that no one was answering their phones. One year since the favorite Air Force cousin shared a plane ride home with the favorite brother-in-law on a very involved flight. One year since the favorite father said, "Its been too long, we need to pray" and after "Amen" the phone rang.

One year, its not so long ago, and another year isn't so far away.

We here at the newsy news office never realized exactly how one year could change a person until we watched that mere mewling infant with a little chin, who had nighmares of baths, become a jibber jabbering, heart twisting, fearless, social, wide eyed, always learning, into everything, adorable little imp. Indeed, how much we've changed.

Happy Birthday Little Glow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When is the little glow worm going to visit the favorite cousin in the cities again?