Wednesday, December 27, 2006

What ever guys can do, girls can do better”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, spoken in true ignorance. We ran a couple of unbiased tests just to see if girls could do anything guys can do only better.

Hammering a nail:
Guy, four hits per nail.
Girl, 10 tinks per nail…and that’s an improvement since 100 tinks per nail.
Result of test 1: guys are better at hammering nails.*

Carrying one 4X8 sheet of chip board:
1 guy =1 sheet.
2 girls =1 sheet
Result of test 2: 1 guy is equal to 2 girls.*

Screwing in a board while hanging out a window:
Guy, 10 boards.
Girl, 1 screw out of 3 needed in 1 board.
Result of test 3: girl was afraid of heights and did not complete the test so test was invalid…*

Holding the dummy end of a tape measure:
Result of test 4. Both are equally capable of holding the dummy end.

Holding the other end of the Tape measure:
Guy “167 inches and 7/8ths”
Girl “167 inches and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8ths”
Result of test 5: guy is more efficient when time is money.*

*there are exceptions to every rule. There are guys who can’t do these things any better than a girl and there are girls who are more than capable of doing these things. But in a general way, (average girls vrs average guys) results are typical.

Note: Our title is not “What ever girls can do, guys can do better” if it had been, we would have had girly tests on what girls can do better(such as measuring in tsp). But oddly enough, we’ve never heard a guy spout off about how he can do anything a girl can do, only better.

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