Friday, January 27, 2006

A horrible tragedy done to our hill,

Our sledding hill, of which we’ve bragged shamelessly about for three months, has been asalted with dirt and, well, salt!

During the course of this morning, that is, morning if you get up at 4am, our hill had the miss fortune of being too slippery for a van that was leaving. And rather than take that as a logical sign that the favorite brother-in-law should stay, dirt was tossed on the hill and the sleepy silly sisters were called to get their boots on. So now the icy hill has sun-attracting dirt all over it…sigh, just as the hill was getting good too! The laments being cried out by the middle child and the youngest child today are quite pathetic, the more so since there is no one home to hear them but the favorite one eyed mutt.

All parties in the next two weeks are now canceled, due to this rather tragic occurrence, until further snowtice.


Newsy said...

Ah ha! The plot to keep the middle child and the youngest child safe thickens!

Unfortunatly it didn't work. They were undetered and sled right through the sanded road at an alarming speed(which says a lot for how slippery the road is). And considering the black and blue spots on their...well, you can imagine they both see the benifits of being wraped in styrafoam. And the favorite parents have no intention of leaving them home alone again unless all the sleds are brocken.

jac-atac said...

"Snowtice." That's so "flaky"! Just kidding, it's awesome!