Monday, June 08, 2009

for hire...

Newsy News Construction now for hire,

Newsy news construction is a unique construction company, the workers all wish to be paid by the job quality,

Perfect= three meals a day plus snacks
Near perfect= 10 bucks an hour,
Great=15 bucks an hour,
Good= 20 bucks an hour
Okay= 25 bucks an hour
Liveable= 30 bucks an hour,
Terrible= 40 bucks an hour

So here's the deal, they'll do the job and charge whatever you think is reasonable.

Oddly enough everyone who's hired them has given them raving reviews.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the typical top management of today. The worse you perform, the greater the bonus.
Is there a limit regarding the specific kind of construction you will do?

Newsy said...

it is possible that there is a limit, however, we don't know of any at this time...